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Running a Node

This will help explain how to run a Ceramic Node and some other specifics that are recommended to make sure your node is running smoothly.


Install and Run the Ceramic CLI

This can be installed from NPM and updated through NPM by using the following command:

npx @ceramicnetwork/cli daemon

This will install the CLI and start the daemon. This will allow all of the initial files to be created. This will successfully have a node running on the Clay TestNet.

Operations Considerations

Log Rotate

As a node runs for sometime if you enable the log to files you will want to enable logrotate to ensure that your node does not overfill the hard drive. This can be done by following the following steps:

  1. Install logrotate using the following command:
sudo apt install logrotate
  1. Create a file in /etc/logrotate.d/ceramic with the following contents:
/home/ubuntu/.ceramic/logs/*.log {
rotate 7
create 0640 ubuntu ubuntu
systemctl restart ceramic
  1. Enable and Start the logrotate service using the following commands:
sudo systemctl enable logrotate
sudo systemctl start logrotate


It is strongly recommended to use your existing monitoring system to collect and process the metrics offered by the node. In addition to those, it is strongly recommended to monitor and avoid exhaustion of:

  • the amount of free space available on all relevant filesystems
  • the amount of free inodes on all filesystems containing IPFS files

These can be checked by hand using df -h for space and df -i for inodes.