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Launch a local Ceramic node

To run a local Ceramic node you will generally need to run two key components:

  • js-ceramic - an api interface for Ceramic applications
  • ceramic-one - a binary that provides a Ceramic data network access through the protocol implementation in Rust.

You should always start with running the ceramic-one component first to make sure that the js-ceramic component can connect to it.


Installing the js-ceramic requires the following:

Make sure to have these installed on your machine.

Setting up the ceramic-one component

The easiest way to install the ceramic-one is using Homebrew package manager. After installing Homebrew on your local machine, you can install ceramic-one using the following command:

brew install ceramicnetwork/tap/ceramic-one

Once installed, run the ceramic-one binary by running the command provided below. Not that using the flag --network you can modify the network:

ceramic-one daemon --network testnet-clay 

There are many flags for the daemon CLI that can be passed directly or set as environment variables. You can pass the -h flag to see the complete list as follows:

ceramic-one daemon -h

You also have an option of running the ceramic-one binary using Docker. Check out the instructions in the README of rust-ceramic repository.

Setting up the js-ceramic component

The Ceramic command line interface provides an easy way to start a JS Ceramic node in a local Node.js environment. This is a great way to get started developing with Ceramic before moving to a cloud-hosted node for production use cases.

Install the Ceramic CLI

Open your console and install the CLI using npm:

npm install -g @ceramicnetwork/cli

Launch the js-ceramic node

Use the ceramic daemon command to start a local JS Ceramic node connected to the Clay Testnet by default running at https://localhost:7007:

ceramic daemon

Configure your network

(Optional) By default, the JS CLI starts a node on the Clay Testnet. If you would like to use a different network, you can specify this using the --network option. View available networks. Note, the CLI can not be used with Mainnet.

Configure a node URL

(Optional) It is possible to use the CLI with a remote Ceramic node over HTTP, instead of a local node. To do this, use the config set command to set the ceramicHost variable to the URL of the node you wish to use.

ceramic config set ceramicHost ''


You can always check if js-ceramic and ceramic-one components are available by running the commands listed below.

js-ceramic service's availability

Check the js-ceramic service’s availability with the healthcheck endpoint:

curl http://localhost:7007/api/v0/node/healthcheck

ceramic-one service's availability

Check the ceramic-one service’s availability with the liveness endpoint:
