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Data Feed API

The Ceramic Data Feed API gives developers a way to keep track of all the new state changes that are happening in the Ceramic network. There are 2 scenarios that would trigger an update on the feed:

  1. Writes explicitly sent to the Ceramic node via the HTTP Client
  2. Writes discovered from the network for Streams belonging to Models that are indexed on the Ceramic node

This information can be used to take actions or simply stay updated on the current status of a stream or even a network. Data Feed API enables developers to build custom indexers or databases.

Server-Sent Events and EventSource interface

To understand Data Feed API, it's important to have a basic understanding of Server-Sent Events (SSE) and the EventSource interface.

SSE is a simple and efficient way for servers to send real-time updates to web clients over a single HTTP connection. It works with the standard HTTP protocol, which makes it great for situations where the server needs to constantly update the client.

The EventSource interface is a JavaScript API that makes it easy for web applications to consume SSE. It allows clients to receive updates as a stream of events, making it simple to integrate real-time data into web apps.

Getting started

The guide below will cover the main steps you need to follow to start interacting with Data Feed API.

Configure your working environment

1. Run a Ceramic node

To interact with Data Feed API you will need a Ceramic testnet or mainnet node up and running. Check out the Quickstart for instructions on how to run Ceramic nodes locally and Running in the Cloud guide for instructions on how to run a Ceramic node in the cloud.


Make sure that your Ceramic node is using the Ceramic version 5.3 or higher to make sure that it supports the Data Feed logic.

2. Install additional dependencies

Depending on how you use the Data Feed API, you may need additional dependencies installed on your machine:

  • Cross-eventsource to use EventSource isomorphically on Node.js and browser:
npm i cross-eventsource
  • @ceramicnetwork/codecs and codeco for encoding and decoding:
npm i @ceramicnetwork/codecs codeco 

Interact with the Data Feed API

Below you can see a few examples of how you can interact with the Data Feed API. Currently, Data Feed API is available as read-only with support for GET methods and access to Ceramic's aggregation layer.

The following request GET will return the following type of objects as activity is done on the Ceramic node:

Request: GET /api/v0/feed/aggregation/documents


FeedDocument = {
commitId: CommitID
content: any
metadata: StreamMetadata
eventType: EventType

For example, the following request will return a response with the details provided below. Request: curl http://localhost:7007/api/v0/feed/aggregation/documents


data: {
"commitId": "k6zn3t2py84tn1dpy24625xjv65g4r23wuqpch6mmrywshreivaqiyaqctrz2ba5kk0qjvec61pbmyl15b49zxfd8qd3aiiupltnpveh45oiranqr4njj40",
"content": "{...}",
"metadata": {
"controllers": [
"model": "kh4q0ozorrgaq2mezktnrmdwleo1d"
"eventType": 2

The recommended way of interacting with the Data Feed API is by using event listeners as show in the example below. The provided example is using localhost:7007 as the host:

import { EventSource  } from "cross-eventsource";
import { JsonAsString, AggregationDocument } from '@ceramicnetwork/codecs';
import { decode } from "codeco";

const source = new EventSource('http://localhost:7007/api/v0/feed/aggregation/documents')
const Codec = JsonAsString.pipe(AggregationDocument)

source.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
console.log('message', event)
//use JsonAsString, and AggregationDocument to decode and use
const parsedData = decode(Codec,;
console.log('parsed', parsedData)

source.addEventListener('error', error => {
console.log('error', error)



In case your application drops a connection and needs to start where it dropped, Data Feed API could be resumed. Every event emitted by the Data Feed API contains resumeToken property. When initiating a connection, you might ask to emit entries after resumeToken.

For example, your application got an entry containing resumeToken: "1714742204565000000". When connecting, pass the token value as a query parameter to emit the entries after this checkpoint:

// ... same as a code snipped above
const url = new URL("http://localhost:7007/api/v0/feed/aggregation/documents")
url.searchParams.set('after', '1714742204565000000') // Value of the last resumeToken
// Connection to http://localhost:7007/api/v0/feed/aggregation/documents?after=1714742204565000000
const source = new EventSource(url)

Frequently asked questions

How to get the StreamId from the feed?

The StreamId can be extracted from the CommitID included in the feed response as seen below:


source.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
console.log('message', event)
//use JsonAsString, and AggregationDocument to decode and use
const parsedData = decode(Codec,
const streamId = parsedData.commitId.baseID
console.log('parsed', parsedData)
What are delivery guarantees of the Feed API?

The feed sends data according to “at least once” guarantee. For every stream change, the latest stream state is delivered. For example, if a stream went through changes a, b, c giving states A, B, C, you could expect three events over Feed API: C, C, C.

How far in the past could I resume from?

You could expect up to 7 days worth of history stored.